Before the Mahabharata..Part -2
In yesterday's episode we wrote ..
In ancient times, the ancestor of the Kauravas and Pandavas was king Yayati and their capital was Khandavaprastha, which was later developed by the Pandavas as Indraprastha. Yayati had two queens.
The name of one was Devyani. Devyani was the daughter of Asur Guru Shukracharya. And the other was the daughter of King of asuras, Vrishparva – Her name was Sharmishtha.
Devyani had two sons. The name of the eldest son was Yadu and the name of younger son was Turvasu. The eldest son Yadu was very good and intelligent. Yaduvansh came in existence on his name, in which later a great man like Shrikrishna was born.
Sharmishtha had three sons - Duhaya, Anu and Puru. The youngest son was very brave and obedient of parents. Later, King Yayati made Puru his successor and he became king. Puruvansha was started by the name of Puru.
Who was the father of Yayati, who were his descendants? We will discuss all these stories in detail
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Before knowing about Maharaj Yayati, we will try to know about their ancestors and will learn a lot. According to Indian culture it is believed that creation began with Brahma ji. According to Puranas, Brahma ji created the universe. Marichi from the mind of Brahma ji, Atri from the eyes, Angiras with the mouth, Pulah from the navel, Pulatsya with the ear, Kritu from the hand, Vashisth from the prana, Bhrigu from the skin, Daksh with the right thumb, Naarad with the dock (Lap), Kandarbh from the shadow, Sanak, Sanandan, sanatan and Sanatkumar from the desire, Syambhoo from the body, Chitragupta from the meditation etc. were born.
Prajapati daksh was born with the right thumb of Brahma ji.
It is said that first four sons of Brahma ji, Sanak, Sanandan, sanatan and Sanatkumar were not interested in promoting the creation. By staying in brahmachari, they only want to know about God only. Seeing his behavior, Brahma ji got very angry and a huge fire was born from that anger. At that time, Ardha-Narishwar Rudra was born with the burning anger of Brahma ji. Brahma ji cut that Rudra in two parts. The name of the female part is named 'YA' and the name of the male part is 'KA'. Then both of them gave birth to the children named Uttaanpad, Priyavrat, Akuti and Prasuti.
Then, Daksh got married with prasuti and Ruchi got married with Akuti.
24 girls were born from Daksh and Prasuti.
The names of those girls were – Shradha, Luxmi, Tushti, Pushti, Dhriti, Medha, Kriya, Lajja, Vapu, Buddhi, Shanti, Sidhhi, Khyati, Sati, Keerti, Sambhooti, Smriti, Kshma, Sanniti, Preeti, Anusuya, Urja, Swadha and Swahh.
Another marriage of Daksh was done by the daughter of Prajapati Viran's daughter Aasiki. Aasiki was also called Veerani. 60 girls of the were born from Veerni –
Maruwati, Vasu, Bhanu, Arundhati, Jaami, Lamba, Sankalp, Muhurt, Aditi, Diti, Sandhya, Vishwa, Danu, Kashtha, Ila, Muni, Aristha, Sursa, Surbhi, Surma, Krodhvasha, Tamra, Timi, Kritika, Ardra, Punarvasu, Rohini, Mrigshira, Sunrita, Pushya, Swati, Chitra, Ashlesha, Megha, Falguni, Hasta, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Radha, Vishkha, Moola, Ashadha, Sharmisht, Satabhishak, Abhijit, Shravan, Proshthpadas, Rewati, Rati, Swaroopa, Ashwyuj, Bharni, Bhoota, Swadha, Vinita, Kadru, Archi, Dishana, Yamini and Patangi.
Bisvwan was Aditi's son. Manu was born from Biswawan, and we are all descendants of Maharaj Manu.
It is said that during the time of Maharaj Manu, the water disaster took place and only Manu was left. After the water disorder, Ela was born from Manu and Pururwa was born from Ela. Purvarva married Urvashi.
Who will be the groom of the daughters of Daksha Prajapati and with whom she was married and whose child was born? It will be discussed tomorrow.
Good Night
Anil Solanki Jaat
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